Active Directory Questions and Answers

(1) What do you mean by Leaf Nodes in Active Directory?


Data stored in the Active Directory is presented to the user in a hierarchical fashion similar to the way of how data stored in the file system. Each entry is referred to as object. There are two types of objects, Containers and non Containers, each object inside the Active Directory is called Leaf Nodes


(2) Does Active Directory use JET or ESE Database Technology?

The Database stored as NTDS.DIT , i.e.., Directory Information Tree is an extensible Storage Engine (ESE).

(3) What do you mean by UUID and GUID in Microsoft Technologies?

a stoWhen millions of objects are present in the Active Directory and each and every object is identified by GUID (Globally Unique Identifier, which is 128 bit. Even it is easily identified, for an ease to remember , we can reference objects with Distinguished Names (DN).

(4) What do you mean by Forest ?

Forest is a collection of Domain Trees which in turn domain tree is a collection of Domains.

Below mentioned pic. represents the Forest


(5) What is meant by Transitive Trust ?

If we create a forest, where in multiple domains have been created and in additionally we create child domains. Now trust relationship will be continued from parent forest root domain to end child domain, this is called Transitive Trust. If trust restricted between two domains in a forest is called Intransitive Trust.

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